All packages will require a signature on delivery, so you must give us an address where someone will be present (work, neighbor, friend, etc).
If purchasing from outside the EU you may be subject to import duties and taxes which are levied once the shipment reaches your country.
Additional charges for customs clearance must be handled by you as we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they will be.
Customs policies vary widely from country to country and you should contact your local customs office for further information.
Additionally, when ordering from Big Scale Cars B.V. you are considered the importer and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the goods.
If your goods are damaged on receipt, this needs to be reported within 3 days together with pictures of the unopened damaged box/crate.
Without pictures, we can’t handle your complaint.
We will not be held responsible until the returned item reaches us.
So all items need to be returned by a recorded service at your own cost.
When we have received your item we will advise you by email about what the options are.
We don’t do refunds.
Returning the item back to you will be on our account.
The images which appear on our website are the copyright of Big Scale Cars B.V.
They may not be used, copied or reproduced in any form whatsoever without our express written permission unless they are purchased from us.
We have taken as much care as possible to describe and portray items accurately.
Slight variations in actual goods or color may occur.
We reserve the right to inform the customer of any incorrect information before payment is taken.